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Notice on the public collection of general education curriculum

作者:力学   日期:2014-04-22   点击:[]

    In order to strengthen general education, school administration office started the research of setting scheme of system of general education curriculum. In order to better construct our system of general education curriculum, we decided to adopt two ways of top-down and bottom-up: on the one hand, establishing expert group, research the domestic and foreign situation of general education settings, borrowing the successful experience; on the other hand, launched wisdom of all teachers, collecting general education curriculum to rich course category and quantity.  Welcome teachers who have the intention of offering general course to hand over related information (course name, introduction of course, teacher) to the school, after gathering, the school should send the information in electronic version to jwjxk@swjtu.cn before the end of the sent in the November 19th. School administration office will give the general course list after screening.

上一条:List of doctoral postgraduate who was in line with the basic requirements of School of Mechanics and Engineering in 2014

