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4 teachers from Southwest Jiaotong University were selected in " Thousand Talents Program in Sichuan Province in 2013"

作者:力学   日期:2014-04-22   点击:[]

    Sichuan provincial Party Committee Organization Department recently announced the "Thousand Talents Program" list in 2013, our school faculty of professor Zhu Qing from School of Science and Environmental Engineering, researcher Liu Zhixiang from School of Electrical Engineering, associate professor Jiang Han from School of Mechanical Engineering and associate research fellow Wang HengYu from State Key Laboratory of Traction successfully selected.
    Sichuan Province officially started overseas high level talents introduction plan of " Thousand Talents Program" in 2013, replaced the previous overseas talents "Hundred Talents Program". In the next 5 years, Sichuan Province will introduce about 100 top teams, about 1000 high level talents from domestic and overseas to Sichuan for innovation and entrepreneurship. Compared with the original "Hundred Talents Program", "Thousand Talents Program" has three main different point: 1. View from overseas expanded to domestic and overseas. "Thousand Talents Program " is an expansion of the “Hundred Talents Program", absorbing range from overseas expanded to domestic and overseas, In the next 5 years, Sichuan Province will introduce about 100 top teams, about 1000 high level talents from domestic and overseas to Sichuan for innovation and entrepreneurship. 2. The direction adjusted, mainly facing enterprises and industries. Emphasizing to introduce enterprise innovative talents and team which industry badly needed. On the scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, mainly support the introduction of application research talent direct serve Sichuan economic development whose research is expected to transform or has been transformed in the Sichuan. 3. Conditions changed, canceled the age threshold. The individual introduction are not divided into long-term short-term or youth project implementation, the amount of financial support is determined according to the specific circumstances of the introduction of talent, and canceled the age limit.

下一条:Associate professor Lu Li won the "2013 Xu Zhiguan outstanding mechanical teacher award of National Institute of mechanics in China "

