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【创源大讲堂】Towards Coal-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Professor Xingbo Liu,Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, West Virginia University

作者:力学   日期:2015-05-07   点击:[]


【创源大讲堂】Towards Coal-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Professor Xingbo Liu,Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, West Virginia University 主讲:Xingbo Liu 地点:机械馆2329 讲座时间:2015年5月18日(周一)下午14:30-15:30


主讲 人:Professor Xingbo Liu,Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, West Virginia University

讲座题目:Towards Coal-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems


Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) is one of the promising alternative technologies for inefficient coal combustion for power generation, which can potentially operate on syngas obtained from coal. The main advantages of SOFCs are high overall plant efficiency (when the waste heat is used for bottoming cycles) and suitability for carbon sequestration. However there are still some unresolved problems with performance durability of these devices when operating on coal syngas, which inherently has some undesirable contaminants such as sulfur and phosphorus compounds.

At anode side, I will present our investigation on effect of phosphorous and sulfur on both Ni-YSZ and perovskite anodes and our attempts to develop S-tolerant anode. At cathode side, our approaches are to develop electrochemical models to simulate the kinetics of oxygen reduction and reaction (ORR) and to improve the cathode performance by employing infiltration method. We analyzed the electrochemical behavior of LSM-type MIEC cathode by incorporating multi-step charge-transfer into the bi-pathway kinetics model. On the system level, Cr-poisoning from interconnect is still one the major reasons to cause system performance degradation. We have been successfully co-deposited the alloys by optimizing bath chemistry, deposition voltage and current, as well as the deposition cycles during the pulse plating process.


Dr. Xingbo Liu graduated from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 1999, and he subsequently went to West Virginia University as a postdoc. Currently, he is the Professor and Associate Chair for Research in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at WVU. Dr, Liu’s main research interests are advanced high temperature materials for next generation energy conversion and storage and his research focuses are Ni-base superalloys and solid oxide fuel cells. Dr. Liu has received numerous awards including R&D 100 Award (2011), TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award (2010), WVU CEMR Researcher of the Year (2015, 2011), Outstanding Researcher Awards (2015, 2011, 2009, 2008), and others. In 2015, he was elected as the Fellow of ASM International.

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