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EUROMECH456(Experimental and Computational Biofluid Mechanic

作者:力学   日期:2013-12-13   点击:[]

EUROMECH456(Experimental and Computational Biofluid Mechanic

新闻类型:学术动态    发布时间:2004-03-22 00:00    来源:新葡萄8883官网AMG   信息更新:中国力学学会 

Second Announcement and Call for Papers

EUROMECH Colloquium N?456

Experimental and Computational Biofluid Mechanics

RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany

October 4 ?5, 2004


Chairmen: Co-Chairman:

Prof. Wolfgang Schr鰀er Prof. Helmut Reul

Dr. Christoph Br點ker Institut f黵 Biomedizinische Technologien

Aerodynamisches Institut Universit鋞sklinikum Aachen

RWTH Aachen RWTH Aachen

W黮lnerstr. zw. 5 und 7 Pauwelsstr. 20

D-52062 Aachen, Germany D-52074 Aachen, Germany

Email: office@aia.rwth-aachen.de

Email: reul@hia.rwth-aachen.de


  The scientific scope of this Colloquium on 揈xperimental and Computational Biofluid

Mechanics?aims to provide opportunities for scientists to meet each other and to discuss their

current research on Biofluid Mechanics. The main topics focus on experimental and

computational modelling of unsteady flows within the human airways and the circulatory

system. Contributions concerning the fluid mechanical fundamentals of the flow in the upper,

e.g. the human nose, the vocal tract, and lower airways, i.e. the lung airways, are expected.

  The study of such problems should improve the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of ventilation. For the circulatory system contributions are solicited, which

concentrate on unsteady flows in geometries with moving boundaries such as in natural and artificial heart valves. Experimental and numerical investigations are to be performed in vivo or using appropriate models. The measurements and the numerical simulations should provide

the unsteady three-dimensional nature of the flow and should allow qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the flow phenomena like vortices, separations, shear layers etc.


Special fields of interest

?Flow in the lung airways

?Fluid mechanics of ventilation

?Flow in the nose and the larynx

?Heart valve and coronary flow




?Biofluid mechanics in the human airways and

the circulatory system

?Computational biofluid mechanics

?In vivo and in vitro flow field measurements

?Treatment of unsteady flows within complex

geometries with moving boundaries


Please turn over


Call for Papers / Registration / Deadlines

?Abstracts: March 29, 2004

Abstracts of 1 ?2 pages of text plus figures should be submitted per EMail to:


in the following formats, e.g.: PS, PDF, Word

?Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2004

?Registration: July 1, 2004

Registration fees Before July 1, 2004 After July 1, 2004

EUROMECH Members 120 EURO 140 EURO

Non-EUROMECH Members 152 EURO 172 EURO

The registration fee covers the book of abstracts, the two day meeting attendance, coffee

breaks and lunches. All payments should be made in EURO, either by bank transfer or credit


The registration form is available on the web-site:


Local Organization

W. Schr鰀er W. Limberg

Ch. Br點ker A. Henze

M. Triep I. H鰎schler

Aerodynamisches Institut, RWTH Aachen

W黮lnerstr. zw. 5 und 7, D-52062 Aachen

Tel: +49 241 80-95410

Fax: +49 241 80-92257

Further information on the conference, registration form, bank account etc. will be

available on the web-site:





