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First Announcement of ICHMM-2008

作者:力学   日期:2013-12-13   点击:[]

First Announcement of ICHMM-2008

新闻类型:学术动态    发布时间:2006-10-09 00:00    来源:新葡萄8883官网AMG   信息更新:中国力学学会 

The 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics

(ICHMM-2008 )

June 3-8, 2008,Huangshan, CHINA




D.L. McDowell, Georgia Institute of Technology., USA, david.mcdowell@me.gatech.edu

X.P. Wu, University of Science and Technology of China,

China, xpwu@ustc.edu.cn

J. Fan, Alfred University, USA and Chongqing University,

China, fangjing@alfred.edu

K.C. Hwang, Tsinghua University, China



Scientific Committee:

Y. L. Bai (Chinese Academy of Science)

T. Belytschko (Northwestern Univ. USA)

E. Busso (Ecoles des Mines des Paris, France)

M. Chakraborty, (India Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)

A . Cocks (Oxford Univ. UK)

W. Curtin, (Brown Univ. USA)

S.Y. Du (Harbin Inst. of Technology, China)

H. Gao (Brown Univ., USA)

Z. T. Gao (Beijing Univ. Aeronautics & Aerospace,China)

K. Hempker (John Hopkins Univ., USA)

M. Horstemeyer (Mississippi State Univ. USA)

Y. Huang (Univ. of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, USA)

C. W. Nan (Tsinghua Univ. China)

N. Ohno (Nagoya Univ. Japan)

A. Pineau, (Ecoles des Mines des Paris, France)

J. Polak (Inst. of Physics of Materials, Czech Rep.)

I. Robertson (Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Y. Shindo Tohoku Univ. Japan)

S. Suresh (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology USA)

C. F. Shih (National Univ. of Singapore)

E. Werner, TU Munich (Germany)

T. C. Wang (Chinese Academy of Science)

W. Yang (Zeijiang Univ., China)

S. Yip (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology USA)

H. Zbib (Washington State Univ. USA)

W. X. Zhong (Dalian Univ. of Science & Technology)

K. C. Chou (Beijing Univ. of Technology)


Organizing Committee (ichmm2008@ustc.edu.cn):

Q.C. Zhang (Co-Chair: Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China), D.N. Fang (Co-Chair: Tsinghua University), L.H. He (Univ. of Science and Technology of China)

Conference Secretaries: S.L. Xu, Y. Wang, H.M. Wen


Conference Goals and Scope:

ICHMM-2008 seeks dissemination of recent, leading edge research results as well as in-depth discussions of future directions in the challenging subject of heterogeneous material mechanics. Sessions in the Huangshan International Hotel will focus on recent original research developments, while invited panel discussions in the Huangshan Mountain retreat aim to stimulate future research directions.

ICHMM-2008 will have two phases. The first phase is a traditional international conference with papers addressing various aspects of behavior of heterogeneous materials, including metals, composites, bio-materials, concrete, porous materials and smart materials, with topics including, but not limited to: micromechanics & nanomechanics, scale effects and multiscale modeling, multi-physics phenomena, microstructure-property relations, physical foundations of inelastic deformation, materials design, biomimetics and biomaterials, smart materials, composite & cellular materials, geological materials and concrete, stochastic mechanics and analysis, plasticity and creep, damage and failure, surface diffusion and cracking, mechanics of tribology and corrosion, numerical analysis, experimental methods, nondestructive testing, analytical methods, etc.

The second phase of ICHMM-2008 will continue in a mountaintop retreat at the beautiful West Sea Hotel, with panel discussions in emerging areas such as multiphysics and multiscale modeling schemes, modeling of realistic microstructures, atomistic to continuum modeling methods, bio- and nature-inspired materials design, in situ experiments and model validation, and stochastic aspects of microstructure evolution and degradation.


Conference Venue (http://ichmm-2008.ustc.edu.cn):

Huangshan International Hotel and West Sea Hotel

ICHMM-2008 will be held at the Huangshan International Hotel (first phase: June 3-6) and the West Sea Hotel (second phase: June 7-8), both located in Huangshan City, Anhui Province, China. In Chinese, Huangshan means "Yellow Mountain". Huangshan International Hotel (also called Huangshan International Conference Center) is a 4-star hotel of international standard. From the hotel it is about 4 km northwest to Huangshan airport and 2 km east to the railway station. The West Sea hotel, a 4-star hotel located in the top of the West Sea area of Yellow Mountain, is an ideal location to view spectacular sunrises and sunsets and serves as a convenient base for sightseeing excursions.


Huangshan City

Huangshan City is located in southeastern China, in the southern region of Anhui Province, with Zhejiang Province to its east and Jianxi Province to its south. It is about 300 miles from Shanghai. Direct domestic air flights and railway connect Huangshan City with all the major cities of China, Hong Kong and South Korea. There are more than 3 daily flights connecting Shanghai with Huangshan city, with one way tickets costing about $80 US.


Yellow Mountain (Huangshan)

Among the ten best sightseeing locales in China, Yellow Mountain (Mt. Huangshan) is famous for its rocks, gnarled pine trees, sea of clouds and hot springs. It was formed by crustal uplift over a hundred million years ago, and subsequently underwent glacial erosion that created its present magnificent, scenic appearance. The Yellow Mountains are a marvel: within an area of 154 square kilometers there is a high concentration of towering granite peaks with vertical joints, 72 of which have names indicating the shapes they resemble. Lotus Flower Peak, Lotus Brightness Apex, and Celestial Capital are the three major peaks, all rising above 1,800 meters. Erosion and fracture contributed to carve the rocks into huge columns, giving rise to lofty peaks and deep ravines. Depending on the weather, the visitor can delight in the mystery of granite peaks penetrating the mist or find awe in the shimmering, illuminated spires punctuated by deep shadows in the vertical seams. It is a memorable setting for reflection, inspiration and discussion.


Social Program:


Several exciting social activities will be arranged.

June 4: A tour of Hongcun Village, a World Cultural Heritage site established by UNESCO, will be arranged in the evening of the first day of ICHMM-2008.

June 5: a sightseeing excursion will be arranged to Huangshan city, which aspires to be among the best sightseeing cities in the world.


June 7: After ascending Yellow Mountain (Mt. Huangshan) in a cable car, participants may see various natural sites such as "Brightness Apex", "Celestial Capital Peak", "Lotus Flower Peak", "Flown Stone", etc. and the great "West Sea" region. After dinner in the West Sea Hotel participants can enjoy the sunset from the West Sea region.


June 8: Sightseeing excursions of "West Sea Grand Canyon", "North Sea Lion Peak", "Monkey Sea-Watching", "Initiation Believing Peak" etc. Descend in cable car and bus returns to Huangshan City.

June 4-June 6: An program will be offered to provide accompanying spouses and guests experiences of Chinese culture and shopping in Huangshan city. A visit to Xidi village, another UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, will be organized, as well as other exciting areas near Huangshan City.


Key Dates:

Deadline for submission of 200-word abstracts and pre-registration form: Nov. 1, 2007

Notification of acceptance: Jan. 15, 2008

Early conference registration ends (last date for discounted rate/special offer) and Deadline for submission of papers: March 30, 2008

Registration Fee due: April 15, 2008 (earlier payment is preferred, if possible)

Conference: 3-8 June, 2008

Registration Fee (including attending all the sessions of first and second phases of ICHMM-2008 held in Huangshan International Hotel and West Sea Hotel, CD-ROM proceedings, transportation, lunch,

sightseeing, reception and banquet in Huangshan):

Before April 15, 2008: $ 500

After April 15, 2008: $ 600

Accompanying spouse or friend: $ 120


Hotel Fee:

US$ 60/rm per night for Huangshan International Hotel

US$ 120/rm per night for West Sea Hotel

Abstract Format:

An abstract of the following format with length of no more than 200 words is due by November 1, 2007.


First Author1, Second Author2 and Third Author3

1Affiliation of First Author

2Affiliation of Second Author

3Affiliation of Third Author



An abstract of nominally 200 words is required, single spaced, 12 pt font, with 1’’ margins. Figures are acceptable, but do not exceed two pages total.


ICHMM-2008 Pre-registration Form:

Name: Title:


Address: E-Mail address:

Phone: Fax:

Other accompanying spouse or friend (number and name(s)): ____ _____________________________


Details of how to submit registration fees, transportation and hotel arrangements will be forthcoming in future announcements, along with information concerning preparation of papers. You can also access the ICHMM-2008 website (http://ichmm-2008.ustc.edu.cn) for more information.




