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作者:杨东宇   日期:2017-06-20   点击:[]


2017615日上午,美国中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida)机械与航空工程系的白远利助理教授来我院进行学术交流,并做了题为“Testing and Modeling of Plasticity and Fracture of Metallic Materials”的学术报告。轻量化设计在航空航天、军事、汽车等领域都有广泛需求,而镁作为最轻的结构金属得到了工业界的极大关注。报告从实验和模拟的角度分析了轧制镁合金板材在不同工况下表现出的复杂的力学响应特征。白远利老师课题组通过独特的实验设计,成功地获得了镁合金在不同工况下的测试数据。并且,根据实验结果建立了以三轴应力状态和洛德角作为参数的金属塑性和断裂模型,成功地预测了轧制镁合金板材的力学行为,为轧制镁合金板材的塑性加工提供了理论指导。白老师还指出这套研究方法也成功地用于对TRIP钢和铝合金材料力学行为的预测。


报告人简介:Dr. Yuanli Bai is currently a tenure-track Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He obtained his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2008. He obtained his BS degree and MS degree from the Department of Automotive Engineering of Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2000 and 2003.  While at MIT, he worked under the supervision of Professor Tomasz Wierzbicki, the Director of Impact and Crashworthiness Lab. His research was focused on constitutive modeling, finite element simulation and experimental calibration of metal ductile fracture and sheet metal forming, especially under complex and nonlinear loading conditions. Prior to joining UCF in 2011, he was a mechanical engineer at the General Electric Global Research Center (GE-GRC) in Niskayuna, New York, where he conducted extensive research on the bird/ice/hail strike simulation and fracture analysis for GE's aircraft engines fan blades made of high performance composites. He also worked on the design of composite wind blades for GE's large utility scale wind turbines, and FE simulation of hard body impact on GE gas turbine compressor blades. Dr. Bai’s current research at UCF is focused on plasticity, ductile fracture and reliability testing/analysis/simulation for various engineering materials, for example advanced high strength steels, magnesium alloys, metallic matrix nano-composites, polymer matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites. He operates the Lab of Solid and Structure Mechanics at the MAE department. Dr. Bai has published over 50+ papers in his fields most highly rated journals and conference proceedings.



